Vyper Developer Guide


Before getting started, make sure to install the following:

Install Fluent scaffold CLI tool

To install the Fluent scaffold CLI tool, run the following command in your terminal:

cargo install gblend

To create a project, run the following in your terminal:


This will prompt you to choose from the available setup options. Choose Vyper.

You can opt for either Hardhat JavaScript or TypeScript; in this guide, we'll proceed with JavaScript.

Project Structure

├── contracts
│   ├── hello.sol 
│   └── hello-v.vy (contains our vyper hello world smart contract)
├── hardhat.config.js (contains Fluent devnet config and plugins)
├── package.json
└── scripts
    ├── deploy.js 
    └── deployvyper.js (deployment script for vyper smart contract)

Getting Started

Before we interact with our helloworld smart contract, run the below command to install all dependencies in the package. json file.

npm install

Hardhat Configs

To first get a quick sense of Fluent's network parameters, head over to the hardhat.config.js file in the root directory. You will find the configuration for connecting to the Fluent Devnet.

     * @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig
    module.exports = {
      networks: {
        fluent_devnet1: {
          url: '<https://rpc.dev.thefluent.xyz/>', 
          chainId: 20993, 
          accounts : [
            `0x${"ADD YOUR PRIVATE KEY HERE"}` ], // Replace with the private key of the deploying account
      solidity: {
        version: '0.8.19', 
      vyper: {
        version: "0.3.0",

Within the networks object, you can see the fluent_devnet1 configuration. This specifies the URL to connect to the Fluent Devnet, along with the chain ID and the accounts available for transactions.

Use Fluent Faucet to request test tokens.

Next, let's explore how you can compile and deploy your first smart contract to the Fluent Devnet.

Compiling the Smart Contract

If you take a look in the contracts/ folder, you'll see hello-v.v file:

# @version ^0.3.0

# Create a string variable that can store a maximum of 100 characters
greet: public(String[100])

def __init__():
    self.greet = "Hello, World!"

To compile it, simply run:

 npm run compile

Deploying the Vyper contract

In the scripts folder is the deployment script deployvyper.js:

import { ethers } from 'hardhat';
async function main() {
    const [deployer] = await ethers.getSigners();
    console.log("Deploying contracts with the account:", deployer.address);
    const Token = await ethers.getContractFactory("hello-v");
    const token = await Token.deploy();

    console.log("Token address:", token.address);

    .then(() => process.exit(0))
    .catch((error) => {

To deploy the compiled Vyper smart contract, run:

npm run deploy-vyper

# Deploying contracts with the account: 
# Token address:

To view your deployed Fluent contract, navigate to the Fluent Devnet Explorer. From there, you can input your token address to explore your deployed contract.

Last updated